Meditation to increase employee wellness, productivity and your bottom line.
The World Health Organization found that stress and its associated medical conditions cost American businesses around $ 300 billion a year. Besides medical costs stress might cost your company in terms of lack of creativity, reduced performance and productivity within your employees.
While our minds tend to wander about half of our waking hours, mindfulness training helps us to bring our focus back to the task at hand. Mindfulness has been shown to improve stability, control and efficiency. It has a positive impact on a variety of areas. It improves attention, cognition, emotions, behaviour and physiology.
Individuals who practice mindfulness show greater empathy, emotional resilience and compassion which leads to better interpersonal behaviour and workgroup relationships.
Companies like Google, Nike and Apple, along with a number of Fortune 500 companies and even the United States Marine Corps have all implemented mindfulness training for their employees in order to increase employee wellness and production.
Business owners reported that among employees who meditate absenteeism is lower, production is higher and the quality of their work is better.
Here are a few case studies to consider:
- Launched mindfulness programs in 2010
- Saw an improvement in perceived stress levels and various heart rate measurements.
- Highly stressed employees incurred an additional $ 2,000 per year in health costs.
- Mindfulness training reduced that cost by 7%
- Productivity gains amounted to $3,000 per employee.
General Mills
- After a 7-week program 80% of their senior executives reported positive change in their ability to make better decisions.
- 89% said they became better listeners
Herbert Smith Freehills (HSF)
- Have been offering mindfulness programs for more than 10 years.
- 12% increase in employee focus
- 10% increase in employee performance
- 10% increase in employee efficiency
- 17% increase in employee work/life balance
- 11% increase in employee communication skills
A Detroit based chemical plant found the following results 3 years after implementing meditation:
- Absenteeism fell by 85%
- Productivity rose 120%
- Injuries dropped 70%
- Profits increased 520%
Life @ 108 offers meditation packages to increase mindfulness and employee wellness. All meditations are accessible online and are downloadable.
Email us at for detailed information on our packages.