Taming the mind – practicing the art of mindfulness
It sounds so simple and easy, to be mindful, to focus completely on the here and now. On the task at hand and all the sensations that you experience in…
It sounds so simple and easy, to be mindful, to focus completely on the here and now. On the task at hand and all the sensations that you experience in…
In the first blog article to this series of three on self-healing for Empaths, I shared my perspective of how humans are functioning. This is what I wrote: “Most people…
The Third Eye chakra gets a lot of play. It is mysterious to a lot of people. Ever since it opened, it has been my best friend. I have had…
What is medication? “A drug to diagnose, cure, or treat, or prevent a disease.” So says Wikipedia. Merriam-Webster says more nebulously, “the act or process of medicating;” or, “a medicinal…