For the good of the God/ess
It’s surprising that I found who I most wanted to be from being someone I didn’t really want to be. I thought for years I would be a Phd, maybe…
It’s surprising that I found who I most wanted to be from being someone I didn’t really want to be. I thought for years I would be a Phd, maybe…
Now that we have viewed depression from a physical stand point, let’s take a look at our environment and how it impedes or replenishes joy into our daily lives.Family and…
Have you heard the term: “The Dark Night of the Soul”? Many people in the New Age community have. A part of the 7 Mirrors of the Essene and recognised…
Identifying as an empath... Being seen as awoken. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Except none of us are.The field of New Age promotes these terms in just the same way as…
It is no secret that I have been suffering from depression for a few years now… maybe a few decades – it’s never easy to pinpoint just when things had…
After each healing session I would always channel the following words to my clients: ‘Allow this healing to ripple, it always clears at the root of where you first experienced…
How do you deal with yourself when you realize you were acting a little whack the other night?When you go to a job interview and the interviewer asks you what…
Sitting in bed 10 minutes before I am meant to go sleep with a beautiful new book on my lap full of blank pages and again, I am a little…
New Year’s Eve 3 years ago I was sitting on a beach in Zanzibar. Everyone around me was in a festive mood, having a great time. There was a bon…