The Crown Chakra

Not a lot of people really talk about the chakra of universal understanding.  This is maybe because no one wants to talk about it.  It’s a touchy subject for some…

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Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye chakra gets a lot of play.  It is mysterious to a lot of people.  Ever since it opened, it has been my best friend.  I have had…

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The Throat Chakra

I was informed that the Throat Chakra is the Second Yoni.  So when I began so many healings in my Sacral chakra, I had noticed that my throat chakra had…

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The Heart Chakra

My heart chakra healing(s) have been a series of very painful but incredible instances of letting go of pain while conscious.  I think the most memorable ones involve me allowing…

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The Solar Plexus Chakra

My Solar plexus Chakra began manifesting what seemed to be dumb luck during mid-winter, while I was homeless, when I decided to meditate.  Unbeknownst to me, they are a meditation…

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The Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is often a neglected chakra in my experience.  It is associated with creativity, sensuality and sexuality.  This healing came very late for me, and very unexpectedly.My mentor…

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The Root Chakra

In the next few articles we will be discussing the chakras, or energy centers of the body. First Chakra - the Root chakra.It is very important to never be lax in…

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